1982 Archive
LSM 1982
June 20 - July 18
St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN
1982 Faculty
Choirs: Dale Warland, Weston Noble, Alice Larsen
Voice: Sigrid Johnson, Alice Larsen, Dale Warland
Orchestra: Richard Sieber
Band: Frederick Fennell, Weston Noble, Fred Nyline
Piano: Andrew Burns, Thomas Schmidt, Ann Nadeau
Organ: Philip Gehring
Woodwinds: Katherine Borst Jones, flute | Dorothy Pralle, oboe | Gary Davis, clarinet and saxophone | Kirkland Ferris, bassoon
Strings: Betty Gehring, violin | Marion Froelich, violin | Leslie Sawyer, violin | Charles Hott, viola | Carlene Stober, cello | Susan Oftedahl, cello
Brass: Steven Erickson, trumpet | Fred Nyline, trombone | Roger Snyder, French Horn
Enrichment: Sandy Berg, pottery | Peter Dorow, photography | Ronald Lee, drama | James McKeel, musical theater | Sarah Quie, dance | Dottie (Dorothy) Pralle, jazz band
Chaplain: Paul Harms
1982 Staff
Executive Director: Carlos Messerli
Robert Kendall
Dean: Richard Carlson
Counselors: Sandy Berg, Richard Carlson, Craig Fenter, Debra Fenter, Paul Harms, Bruce Heggen, Dorothy Pralle, Cheryl Rieck
1982 Students
Cynthia Alderson
Cindy Applebee
Conrad Askland
Jeanne Ault
Cathy Beilharz
Michael Bimler
Lisa Birnstein
Lisa Blackledge
Sarah Blythe
Jay Boyle
Adrienne Brasseur
Andre Brasseur
Stephanie Brasseur
Brenda Brubaker
Lisa Burau
Lee Burkhart
Adrienne Carlton
Marie Chung
Gregory Clemens
Lisa Daehlin
Carl Davick
Lisa Deem
Lynn Des Jardins
Jeffrey Ebbeson
William A. “Bill” Edwards
Kristina Eller
Cameron Engel
Leah Fein
Teresa Fiechtner
Sandra Fischer
Scott Frankwick
Laurie Gauger
Suzanne Geoffrey
Brian Goede
Tami Golden
Christine Gordon
Kristina Gotsch
Susanna Gotsch
Dawn Graf
Paul Haakenson
Solveig Hadland
Kristin Halverson
Susan Hatcher
Lisa Hayne
Eve Heinlein
Heidi Hermanson
Jenny Hermanson
Becky Hervey
Michelle Hessler
Kristin Horeis
Linda Houghton
Lisa Houldieson
Kim Hoyer
Steven Ickes
Julie Ilten
Christine Intile
Christopher Jacobson
Susan Jensen
Douglas Johnson
Gordon Jones
Mike Jones
Michelle Karbula
Ken Keller
Laurie Kettner
Annette Killen
Mike Kleinschmidt
Bret Kloos
John Kobert
Todd Kunau
Julie Larson
Lissa Leege
Sara Levsen
Michael Linderman
Christine Long
John Howard Lynner
Cathy Matson
Anders McCarthy
Tauria McMillan
Holli Meyer
Sherryn Meyer
Michael Miller
Andy Moen
Barbara Morgan
Mark Nesheim
Keith Newcomb
John Olson
Timothy Olson
Mark Oswood
Debbie Parker
Adam Pearson
James Peterson
Wendy Ralph
Erik Rantapaa
Susan Rieger
Gayle Riggert
Lisa Seaton
Richard Seaton
David Severtson
Brian Shaw
Galen Shriner
David Simmons
Steven Slowik
Mary Sorteberg
Sue Spear
John Spence
Stephen "Alvin" Spengler
Betsy Spierling
Murray Starkel
Vicky Stoll
Amy Stoner
Beth Streufert
John Sutherland
Karie Sutter
Kristina Syverson
Allison Tanis
Karen Thompson
Brenda Turley
Heidi Ulfeng
Martha Ulfeng
Karen Ussery
Nathan Voges
Paula Wacker
Wendy Webster
Katrina Weimer
Katrina Weissberg
Mary Wettlaufer
Matthew Wolka
Eric Wulfsberg
Bonnie Ziegler
Ann Zobel
1982 Concert Programs and Worship Bulletins
Faculty Recital
8:00 PM, June 25, 1982
Faculty Recital
7:30 PM, June 27, 1982
Faculty Recital
8:00 PM, June 29, 1982
Faculty Recital
8:00 PM, June 30, 1982
Faculty Recital
8:00 PM, July 1, 1982
Faculty Recital
8:00 PM, July 2, 1982
Guest Recital
8:00 PM, July 3, 1982
Student Recital
10:00 PM, July 4, 1982
Guest Recital
7:30 PM, July 4, 1982
Guest Recital
8:00 PM, July 6, 1982
Faculty Recital
8:00 PM, July 7, 1982
Guest Recital
8:00 PM, July 8, 1982
Student Recital
2:40 PM, July 9, 1982
Student Recital
9:50 AM, July 11, 1982
Delphi String Quartet
7:30 PM, July 11, 1982
Chicago Chamber Brass
8:00 PM, July 13, 1982
Student Recital
2:40 PM, July 14, 1982
With High Delight...
8:00 PM, July 14, 1982
Student Recital
2:40 PM, July 15, 1982
Student Recital
8:15 PM, July 15, 1982
Student Recital
7:00 PM, July 16, 1982
Choir Concert
8:15 PM, July 16, 1982
Student Recital
11:00 AM, July 17, 1982
Student Recital
1:30 PM, July 17, 1982
Student Recital
3:00 PM, July 17, 1982
Student Recital
7:00 PM, July 17, 1982
Band & Orchestra Concert
8:15 PM, July 17, 1982
Closing Worship
9:15 AM, July 18, 1982
1982 Documents
Concert Poster
1982 Photos
Contribute to the 1982 Archive
Corrections or additions? Do you have photos, videos, programs, documents, or anything else to contribute? We would love to hear from you!
Please email Eric Sayre, Alumni & External Relations Director.